Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Do You Have The Entrepreneurial Mindset? Here are a few Keys to Develop It

Do you have the entrepreneurial mindset these days?

In my company, quite every training calls or webinars start by talking about the entrepreneurial mindset, commitment, drive and focus. Then, we talk about strategies, tools and skills!

Is this boring to you?

Think about it: 97% of the Internet marketers, online workers or home based business beginners fail to succeed and stop their business after 120 days or less! It is absolutely crazy! It appears that these people did not develop the entrepreneurial mindset that is essential to succeed.

Top earners usually went through the same steps than newbies. They saw a lot of starting and failing because of a lack of a entrepreneurial mindset. Top earners know that the personal state, personal development and mindset are CRITICAL to succeed!

That is why there is a part, in all the trainings, which talks about that and conditions us to have what it takes to succeed. So, it is top priority to take full responsibility to integrate all these notions, to create an empowered entrepreneurial mindset, to get all the personal resources needed to follow through and reach our outcomes.

That could seem trivial, but for sure it is not. For at least several weeks or months, you need to accept to work a lot (and you MUST work a lot), to accept to have no or poor results, no comments about your articles, your posts, no feedback from your videos, and no LEADS! You need to accept that your great idea is not seen by others for a while, except by initiates. By developing this strong mindset with really strong commitment, drive, focus, you will go through the necessary steps, to develop your ability to become visible on the web, without losing your engagement to succeed.

You know that everyone that claims you will be able to make a lot of money in a few weeks is a pusher of clouds, or a scammer!

To help you to develop a stronger entrepreneurial mindset, think about these questions and find your empowering answers:

- Do you have a clear WHY you started your small home based business?
- Do you have a clear and precise plan for the next days, weeks and months?
- Do you have a clear commitment to succeed whatever will be the frustrated moments you will face?
- Do you have the drive to work each day, to take massive actions day after day until you get results?
- Do you have the focus to use all your energy and actions to concentrate on specific strategies and tools in a way to reach your outcome?
- Do you take time and personal development tools to empower you?
- Do you use the incredible power of your unconscious mind (what an interesting subject!)?

There are no good or bad answers. You must find YOUR empowering answers. Take time to clarify your goals, your outcomes, the ways you want to take to reach them. It is always time to reinforce your entrepreneurial mindset. In fact, take actions to improve it each day, takes time for personal development, create a precise plan of action including specific times for personal growth. This time will be powerful and will help you tremendously.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Useful Tips to Find Legitimate, Small Home-Based-Business Opportunities and Succeed!

Useful Tips to Find Legitimate, Small Home-Based-Business Opportunities and Succeed!

Are you tired of working all week long without having time for your family and friends? Are you tired of having no savings or disposal incomes and having your credit cards maxed out? Are you tired of having a boss and not being able to decide what is best to do? Would you like to find a legitimate small home based business opportunity? This could be the solution to transform your life: have time for your family, no more traffic, no more boss and the flexibility to manage your time and efforts. I am a PhD in molecular biology and I used to work for a governmental laboratory. I had no previous experience as an entrepreneur and no knowledge about home based business jobs. With commitment, drive and focus, I then quickly developed good expertise as a small home based business entrepreneur.
Is there any successful work at home job experiences that we can trust? Yes, actually there are many legitimate small home based business successes that we can trust. Some of the most common questions asked are: " how to recognize whether a small home based business opportunity is a scam or a legitimate offer?" " How to identify real legitimate small home based business opportunities?"
These are several elements you should check and there are warning flags.
1. Avoid small home based business opportunities which announce easy money, money obtained quickly with just a few hours of work, or which guaranty you can get rich fast. Really, as for any kind of job, with legitimate small home based business opportunities, you will not get rich in a few days. You need to work, invest time and energy on a regular basis, especially when you start. But at the end, you will have real money in your pocket and your destiny in your hands.
2. Never send money to start your job. Legit small home based business does not charge you to start working. Do not accept a request to give your bank account information, so the employer could pay you without having officially joined the company. Well written scams are known to fraud you that way.
3. Search for reference about the company. A company offering legitimate small home based business will be happy to give you information about exactly what you will be doing. Ask about testimonials and referrals from other workers of the company.
4. If it seems too good to be true, consider this offer is not true! Use your judgement and as soon you get a little suspicious, stay away. There are many good offers out there, so do not take a chance with suspicious offers and take your time to find one your comfortable with.
Here are examples of work at home scams:
Posting Ads - There are lots of ads asking for workers needed to post ads on online forums and bulletin boards. You will not get paid to post, rather you may get paid if other people sign-up.
Processing Claims - In order to get "hired", you need to buy equipment or software just to be able to start working.
Completing surveys - You will take lot of time to complete surveys, for just a few cents, and will usually never see the color of your money at the end.
Register on a site offering free way to make money in minutes - Most often, you will be redirected to a Virtual casino link, and asked to play with your Real money. Of course, the offer will tell you that you will win for sure a lot of money! But it is money games, with no chances of making more money that what you spend to play. It is not a work and you will lose a lot of Your money in the game!
Stuffing Envelopes - It is a classical example of work at home scams. There are still people claiming that you can earn $3 or $4 per envelope to stuff them. All major companies have postage machines which stuff, sort and meter mail for pennies a piece!
Legitimate work at home jobs listing - Sites offering to provide you with information on only legitimate work at home jobs - for a nominal fee, of course - represent the worst example of scam!
Here are a few examples of legitimate home based business opportunities you could consider according to your interest, your expertise or your background:
Text translation secretarial work calling customer service Medical Transcription Works At Home Online business Internet marketing and affiliate marketing
These are just a few examples. With caution and good judgement, you will find other legitimate offers.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Small home based business entrepreneur : Keys to be successful

Much people lose a lot of money, are scammed by illegitimate offers, and lose years and years trying to have success with bad opportunities.

Because there are tons of supposedly incredible offers on the web claiming you would earn ton of money easily without working!
There are several points to consider and to take care about to go away from scam, keep your money, find REAL legitimate work at home opportunities and ensure your success in any kind of legitimate opportunity.
First, search and look carefully the offers keeping in mind the following points :

1. Go away from offers announcing easy money, without requirement of work, which would give you lot of money in hours or days.
2. Make web research about offers you would consider. Search for continuous patterns of complains about specific companies or offers recognized as scams.
3. When you find a potential offer, do not jump on it to fast. Look carefully on the different aspect of the opportunity as initial investment, expertise, type of work, quantity of work or potential leverage of the work.
4. Obtain satisfied answers to most important question as "Is it legal? Can I get my money back if that doesn't work? What type of waranty is it provide to you?
5. Can I do it without having done it before? How hard is it? What kind of support will I get?

By selecting a satisfying offer for you, you will have done an important step in the process of starting a successfull small home based business. Nevertheless, you still need to implement the most crucial ingredient for a recipe of success: YOURSELF. YOU are the MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT in your success whatever is your choice of small home based business opportunity.

Every successful enterpreneur have in common several elements about themselves:

- As a new entrepreneur, you have to change your way to work, to think about your way to be, to think about your responsibility in your career.
- As a new entrepreneur, it is top priority for you to optimize your thinking and emotional structure to access your drive and your full potential. In that way you have to commit to do a lot of personal development continuously.
- Mindset : you need to create a mindset of successful entrepreneur. You are responsible for your success, you have to take massive action and be ready to work harder than you never did before.
- Commitment: you have to be so dedicated to your own success that anything can disturb you, distract you and make you give up. You will have failure, bad day, deception. You have to be prepare to follow through until you reach your goals. You have to have no doubts, only certainties about your future success as a small home based business entrepreneur.
- Drive : you have a take continuous massive action, every single day, have patience and persistence to ensure your success whatever the time it will take.
- Focus : you have to start with your goal, your outcome in mind to keep the direction to where you absolutely want to go in your life.
- WHY : know exactly why you are making so much effort, what are your reasons. A crystal clear WHY you want to create a successful small home based business, all your conscious and more importantly all your unconscious mind will work for your success. Nothing will be able to disturb you if the reason WHY you are starting a small home based business is strong and big and clear.